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A Foster Dog's Story of Learning to Be Loved

on February 15, 2022
A Foster Dog's Story of Learning to Be Loved

Have you ever wondered why fostering dogs is so amazing for you and the dog? Well, Bear's story starts like most rescues. He was rescued from a terrible situation and taken to an animal shelter.

As much as we would love all rescued dogs to be adopted immediately, we know it's not how life works.

On January 22nd, Scott did what he loves to do; he went to pick up a homeless dog in need of some temporary fostering.

You might be asking yourself why Scott doesn't adopt more dogs, but that doesn't solve the problem of dogs being in shelters. Scott wants to solve the issues, and fostering is one way to help the situation. How might you ask? Let me tell you.


The Importance of Fostering Homeless Dogs

First, fostering helps reduce overcrowding in shelters and opens up space for another animal to be saved. Fostering also teaches the dog how to socialize, improve behavioral problems and help pets be ready for adoption. In addition, someone fostering a pet can help with feeding, grooming, health controls, vaccinations, and taking the pet to medical appointments.

Fostering can teach rescued dogs how to dogs in a loving home. And then they become more adoptable and can find the family they were meant to have.

And that's just what Scott and Leo love to do. They love taking home a shelter dog and teaching him how to be a dog.

As you might know, not all dogs are perfect at being dogs. It might sound crazy, but what I mean is that not all dogs are trained on how to be a dog in someone's home. They only know how to survive in the environment they lived in but not in a loving, safe home and with rules!

Dogs are like children in that they need love, their basic needs met, and guidance through boundaries and rules. In this environment, over time, they will thrive.

And Bear's story is the perfect example of why fostering can be so successful and important.

Bear, you are about to see and feel the love with the dog whisperer, Scott Poore. Each animal deserves a human to love them and give them kisses each day and to hear the words 'I love you'. PATRICIA G.


Bear's Journey from Homelessness to Foster

On a frigid day, Bear was found hiding in a barn sharing a heat lamp with donkeys. But, he was intelligent and resourceful and found a way to stay warm.

He was taken to an animal shelter and was scared. This sweet, shy senior dog was overwhelmed and terrified by loud noises and smells. But the staff at KCK Animal Services knew he would do better in a foster home where he could get complete attention, love, and care he desperately needed.

Bear gets along with other dogs and is potty trained. His biggest challenge is he's shy at first and gets scared by loud noises. He also has some medical challenges that being in a foster home will help sort out.

Scott and Bear
Bear Hanging OUt


Bear's Time in a Temporary Foster Home

Bear went home with Scott and Leo and stayed with them for four (4) days. That time was so crucial for him in his transition as he waited for a long-term foster home.

Day 1: Although it wouldn't be the most fun Bear has with Scott, it was super important. Scott took Bear to Woofs Play Stay in Merriam, Kansas, for a needed, probably first ever, grooming appointment.

Everything Bear does at first is a little scary, at least until he learns that all the new people he will be meeting don't want to hurt him. At the appointment, it took 30-minutes with a pep talk to convince Bear grooming and a bath were a good thing.

He finally caved and got some much-needed self-care love from the groomer. It took four hours to remove eight (8) years of dirt, but we think he must be feeling pretty good now!

Day 2: Dogs tend to look for safe spaces when they are in a new environment, and on day two (2) at Scott's home, he found his safe place at the bathroom door.

Day 3: Bear found his favorite safe space in the house. At the top of the stairs, he had a birds-eye view of everything going on and loved watching Scott and Leo.

Since he is not used to people being nice to him, Scott gave him the last 24-hours of respecting that safe space Bear had found. And now that Bear knows his safe space is respected, Scott worked on trust and body sensitivity.

And boy does he love back scratches. Bear came downstairs every 30-minutes to get petted for about five (5) minutes before heading back up to his safe space.

Bear made giant steps forward that day.

Day 4: Scott continued to work with Bear and saw significant improvement in Bear opening up. His personality started to shine. He smiled today at Scott while he got petted. Tomorrow, he meets a potential long-term foster family.

Scott and Bear
Bear Hanging OUt


Bear Moves to a Long Term Foster Home

On January 26th, Bear headed back to the animal shelter with Scott for a family meet and greet. A lovely couple had asked to meet Bear, and the husband said he already loved him.

They were very patient. Bear was shy and did not want to get up and go into a meet and greet room, so instead of pulling on him, he said, "you know that's okay, Bear, let me just talk to you for a second and explain what is going to happen."

His new foster dad quietly sat next to him, explaining how his life would change and how he promised to love him. Bear decided that sounded great, and off they went!

Bear and new family
Bear Hanging OUt

Bear was already doing well by day two with the family. He enjoys watching the other dogs play. And is learning how to be a loved family member by watching their dogs interact, play, and be loved.

The transition for Bear won't always be easy, and it will take time. But one day, Bear will be ready for adoption and get to have a permanent place to call home.


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